Only for trekking bikes
KOGA manuals
To get the most out of your KOGA bike, it is important that you know how your bike is put together. In the list below, we have listed the manuals for all KOGA bikes. This way, you can take your time to look and understand the technical features of your bike. This way, you can also carry out the necessary maintenance yourself and know where to go for support. If you don't quite get it, please contact us.
General manual

For KOGA models without electric assistance, there is general KOGA bike manual. This applies to all city and touring bikes, trekking and racing bikes.
E-bike manuals
Below you can see the current KOGA e-bike collection. Behind the model is listed which drive system the electric bike has. Further down you can access the relevant manual.
E-bike | Drivetrain |
Vectro S30 |
Shimano EP600 |
Vectro S20 | Shimano EP600 |
Vectro S10 | Shimano EP600 |
Evia Pro Automatic | BES3 Performance Line |
Evia Pro Ivory | BES3 Performance Line |
Evia Pro Off black | BES3 Performance Line |
E-Nova EVO PT Automatic | Active line plus |
E-Nova EVO PT Pro | Performance Line Gen3 |
E-Nova EVO PT Unlimited | Active line plus |
E-Nova EVO PT | Active line plus |
E-Nova EVO | Active line plus |
E-Nova | Active line plus |
PACE B20 Powertube |
Performance Line Speed Gen4 |
PACE B20 | Performance Line Highspeed |
PACE B10 Suspension | BES3 Performance Line CX |
PACE B10 | BES3 Performance Line CX |
PACE B10 (eerder model) | Performance Line CX |
PACE B05 Suspension | BES3 Performance Line CX |
PACE B05 Ltd. | Performance Line Gen3 |
E-Worldtraveller rigid | BES3 Performance Line CX |
E-Worldtraveller Suspension | BES3 Performance Line CX |

Above are the electric bikes from the current collection. The drive is also listed with the bike.
Select the relevant manual here to view it.
All links are downloads.

Check out the other manuals for your KOGA bike. All links are downloads.
Do you have an older KOGA bike and are no longer sure which motor is on your bike? Then have a look through the previous collection to find your bike. Often the manual is already there. If you can't remember exactly which model you have, take a look at our past brochures or contact us.
- General guide and RMI info for PACE B20 speed pedelec (MY20)
- General guide and RMI info for PACE B20 speed pedelec (MY18)
- General guide and RMI info for PACE B20 speed pedelec (E-XLR8-XPTBLG5)
- NuVinci Harmony user manual
- ION manual NiMH batteries
- Bosch General Instruction Manual
- Bosch General E-Bike Battery Guide